Breach of Contract Lawsuits Give Business Owners a Legal Remedy

If you, or your business, have entered into a contract and believe the other side has breached that contract, you may be entitled to file a breach of contract lawsuit. Alternatively, if you are the party believed to have breached, you may have a business litigation lawsuit on your hands. It is important to note that enlisting the help of a litigation attorney for your business litigation needs is highly recommended.

Once you hire a litigation lawyer, the first thing he or she will need to do is determine if there was a valid contract in place. Generally, a contract is defined as simply an oral or written agreement, enforceable by law, to do or not do a certain thing in exchange for some sort of consideration. Moreover, a contract is valid if it is not illegal, does not restrain trade, and does not otherwise inhibit public policy.

Next, it must be proven that this contract was in effect at the time in question. Your business litigation attorney will be able to tell you exactly the steps to take to determine if you had a valid contract in place and whether that contract was in fact breached.

Once it is determined that a contract does exist, the next step the litigation lawyer will need to take is to determine whether the other side knew or should have known that the contract existed. If the other side had knowledge of certain facts and circumstances surrounding the formation of the contract which would lead a reasonable business person to know that a contract exists, that is enough to prove that the other side should have had knowledge of the contract.

Fort Lauderdale Business Litigation Attorney

Contact Fort Lauderdale business litigation attorney Howard N. Kahn, Esq. if you or someone you know has a breach of contract or business litigation dispute. He is an experienced business litigation attorney, and is available to assist business owners, board members, and corporate investors in business litigation matters. You can reach him at 954-321-0176 or online.